What is innate? What is learned? Since Claude Lévi Strauss and the opposition he declared between nature and culture, the debate never ceases to occupy philosophers. The divorce is between the latter, claimed bastion of the masculine, and the former, bastion attributed to the feminine, and these two pillars of identity are wavering. Depreciating nature and the feminine while overvaluing culture and the masculine, mixed up everything while nothing really exists anymore, neither the sexes nor the genders. If we look at it more closely, we realize that culture is an extension of nature, unless it is its negation. On the other hand, all life is based on the articulation between Feminine and Masculine, the founding principles of the universe.

The existential malaise

The question deserves attention. It animates a debate whose ubiquitous turn requires an answer. And one cannot deny the suffering of youth in the grip of an acute existential malaise. How to be fully oneself? What is being oneself? How to invent yourself? Wokism, by the extremism of its positions, rejects any reference point structuring the being. It demands the dissolution of all codes, all rules, of all barriers. By doing so, it reaches an absence of sense which opens on the nothingness of the being. A non-place that wants to bear freedom and reveals itself as pure alienation. By denying nature and feminine to the profit of culture and masculine, one comes to occult the source of the experience because it is by the expression of the body that destiny is written.

The difficulty of being fully oneself is not new but surgery and medication would not easily solve the stake. Those who believe that they can achieve this by changing their sex are making big mistakes. What is at stake is not being of one gender or another. It’s about valuing who you are by learning to love the healthy body you are lucky enough to inhabit. Obviously, the challenge can seem perilous when one has been despised because of one’s sex, because of an unhealthy ideology, hateful of the feminine, and of what resembles it. However, there lies the key to new well-being and to a possible blossoming.

Self-hatred, this companion

Self-hatred is a disease of the soul that I know well. I suffered from it for a large part of my life. The cause: the extreme hatred that my father had for me. He could not find words too strong to put me down, mock me, or attack me. This is how he felt strong and enjoyed life. He only found value in comparing himself to an inferior female, so he needed to crush my rebellion. Whatever I did, whatever I said, whatever I proved, nothing could find favor in his eyes. But the worst thing was that he said he loved me and he meant it. He thought he was in the right and was unable to feel compassion for my suffering. The responsibility for his hatred was therefore entirely mine, because of the terrible defect of being born a woman.

My life was torture. Breathing, the ordeal of feeling I exist. I dreamed of the comfort of death, of its peace, of its silence. And then I despaired of being a boy, to be loved or at least respected, to have the right to exist. If sex change surgery had been available then, I would have done everything to benefit from it. It might have momentarily relieved the pain I was experiencing. But it would not have saved me from my own hatred. Worse, it would have prevented me from fulfilling my destiny as a woman. This one revealed to me the extreme beauty of the Feminine, the chance to embody it, and the secrets that it allowed me to perceive and that I can share today.

Cultural roles are based on truths

Let us now return to the original question. What are nature and culture in feminine and masculine? I will start with a seemingly ambiguous statement. Cultural roles are based on the truth of our nature, otherwise, they would not work. Indeed, the social attribution of sensitivity, emotional intensity, compassion, unconditional love, and a sense of maternal sacrifice to the Feminine is correct. Likewise, physical strength, the deployment of body energy, the passion for sex, and the senses are indeed attributes of the Masculine. Nevertheless, the patriarchal ideology truncates and even vitiates these truths.

Feminine and Masculine are the two phases of the universe: emotional energy and energy turned into physical matter.

To understand what Feminine and Masculine are, we need to broaden our perspective of the universe itself. For we are the product of the path of energy since the explosion of the big bang, 14 billion years ago. Moreover, by choosing this reference frame, we detach ourselves from the artistic blur that the cultural bias poses on our societies. We are, consequently, of the same nature exactly as the rest of the universal elements. The initial energy, quantum, interacted through a multitude of physicochemical processes, to create stars, planets, and life. This is how the invisible created the visible, how the impalpable, subtle, created the inert or living objects.

Emotions and body

However, if quantum energy has created physical bodies, it has not disappeared. The substance lays still in the depths of each object and fills what was thought to be empty. Scientists have discovered that the unfathomable space contains in fact 70% of the mass of the universe! It is full, this void, of a matrix that weaves an invisible mesh through the universe. The celestial objects themselves are suspended and held in place. This quantum substance, also called dark energy, is the basis of all matter. It runs through us and connects us to all others. Each being, each object in the universe has two dimensions: one, physical, is Masculine, and the other, emotional, is Feminine. Nature is therefore involved in both the feminine and the masculine, whereas culture should be their civilizational extension.

We are all composed of Feminine and Masculine. Our energetic, quantum, emotional nature finds form in reality through the creation of a physical body. All matter is born, therefore, from emotional energy, and dissolves in it at the end of its life cycle. The felt energy (emotions) delivers senses which are the language of the invisible being that we are also. Thus we suffer when there is a gap between what we are in truth, sensitive beings, beings of links, respect, and compassion, and what our erroneous cultural values, of fight, separation, and aggression enjoin us to express.

Each person is composed of feminine (quantum, emotional) and masculine (physical, material).

We are similar but not the same

Ah, so men and women are the same? Since the same energies, emotional and physical, compose us then what differentiates us? Obviously, the physical body, which only expresses the senses contained in the emotional body (or envelope), gives us the answer. If we look very much alike, we are not quite the same. Indeed, the sexes exist because they have a powerful meaning that has the function of modifying our experience of reality.

The sexes materialize differences inscribed in the emotional envelope that contains the program and the itinerary of each life experience. The structure of the emotional envelope has two hemispheres. One relates to the properties of union, and the other relates to the properties of separation. If the energy of the first is stronger, the sex will be feminine, if the energy of the second is stronger, the sex will be masculine. The two tendencies, of union and separation, coexist in us to create the alternation. The body allows us to separate ourselves from others so that we can make the choice to approach each other again. The union is lived through emotion because in the quantum substance, there is no separation.

Feminine and masculine

If we have the same quantum proprieties, we are more gifted for some of them. And, if we accept it, the experience of the body will strengthen the programmed inclination. For example, women feel the cycles. They know that energy is not constant and that the body is fragile. They learn to take care of it and to take it into account. In addition, the union they experience in their bodies, with the man through sexuality, and with the unborn child through gestation, reinforces this knowledge, as does the strength of their emotions. Their attention focuses primarily on the invisible. The Feminine is therefore emotional energy, emotion, sensitivity, the invisible, union.

On the contrary, men do not feel the cyclical variations of the vital energy and the sexual union takes place outside through another body. Moreover, the feeling of emotions is less strong. Testosterone plays a role in softening the connection to the invisible quantum. This is to turn the attention of men towards the outside, the visible, the material. The Masculine is therefore body, matter, sensual desires, and physical energy that unfolds. While women acquire a knowledge of the emotional invisible, which is truth, men develop a knowledge of the visible, which is reality.

The right to choose

When feminine and masculine value equally, nature and culture overlap to create a reality favorable to individual and collective fulfillment. Women transmit the emotional laws that build the desired ideal, which is none other than Love, the universal substance also called dark matter. And men implement the necessary interactions so that these laws stand in reality. There is therefore as much beauty in being a woman as there is in being a man, and few destinies that require the transformation of one’s sexual nature. However, some people may have to do so in these troubled times when machines take over the living beings. They would stand as witnesses to the suffering the loss of the body value may bring. Anyway, whatsoever their motive might be, these adults are free to choose their way of life and nobody can deny them this right.