According to my scientific-based research on behavior determination, Donald Trump is a highly dangerous person, potentially as dangerous as any dictator known through history and time, and that findings should be shared, explained, and known for the sake of our common future so we will be able to identify all the like of him. Notice that if he has not proved as bad as historical monstruous figures in terms of massive destruction of life, it is only due to circumstances. He had not been given enough time at the top of the power scale to grow a feeling of total omnipotence and impunity, and he has been restrained by the efficient and strong democratic institutions currently ongoing in the United States of America.

The Dark Side of Donald Trump
Donald Trump starting to figure out the polls won’t meet his expectation to be reelected as president of the United States.

Behavioral insights through historical perspective

All dictators are characterized by a distorted behavior driven by an enormous ego inflation and a feeling of superiority allowing them to impose their will no matter the damages inflicted to others. We may list the following specific traits : their persistence to treat people like cattle or objects, jeopardize for poor reasons dignity and life of others, use all means like cheating, false claims or violent threat to destroy adversity and work for growing separations and mounting hatred so they can manipulate people while presenting themselves as saviors of the good at stake against evil. We may perceive through their displayed character the sole true persistent goal they focus on: satisfy their need for complete domination of others as proof or their maleness superiority.

How senses, fears and trauma drives behavior

This destructive pattern of self and others does not come up under a conscious decision. It is rooted in personal trauma endured during childhood that has built a belief of no value as sensitive human being (linked with female hatred). The overwhelming fear created from that can only be overcome by the display of what opposes sensitive expression – what we call human – through heartless virile domination. The mechanism taking place here is vastly unknown yet and lie at the center of my theory. It is emotional and cannot be stopped by any kind of mental decision. It comes to mind with a bunch of senses entwined in streams of emotional energy, in a flow coming over you that would never cease and get its capacity of triggering behavioral responses when the emotion is felt. There one gets a slight chance to eventually stop the senses at the edge of being processed into expression spoken or acted. For that a great deal of mental efforts based on elevated consciousness must be forwarded into a force sufficient to break the power of a flow as ravaging as the violent threat was applied to the person as a kid. Some women, sublimed by their motherhood may reach it for the preservation and safety of their children, but there is no chance for someone like Mr Trump to approach this capacity. As the flow pours into the mental area, the transferred senses are processed by the brain into thoughts, impulses, moves, decisions, choice of words and acts, that compose a person’s behavior.

The senses carried by the energetical streams monitoring all behaviors can only belong of two kinds of emotions:

–   Those born out of love, bringing knowledge of respect, capacity of compassion, willingness of solidarity, search for unity, all sorts of intentions resulting in heightening harmony and peace in the real world.

–   Those born out of fear (which is lack of love or anti-love) which find existence by denying the meanings of love and get expression in disrespect, lack of compassion, contempt, acts of separation, use of violence, all sorts of intentions resulting in destructing life of people, animal as well as environmental balance.

Donald Trump has proved a top player in all the last sheet notices.

He has kept on giving belittling names to his opponents, meaning absence of respect for individuals as sensible beings and denying their rights to express their ways. Here are some examples of a long list:

Hillary Clinton was called “crooked-Hillary” (and also Crazy / Crooked / Lyin’ / Heartless / Skank) Joe Biden was “Sleepy-Joe”, Kamala Harris was “monster or phony-Kamala”, Barack Obama was “cheatin’Obama”, and Nancy Pelosi was granted with “High Tax-Nancy” (and also High Crime/Crazy/Lover).

You think it is not important? Think twice.

The importance of words as sense carriers and their cultural influence

Expression do not pop up from a void. The words we speak reflect exactly the senses that have been accepted along our life-long experience and, therefore, have been stuck in the emotional package which is the source of those energetical streams of emotions I was just talking about. Words spoken or heard mean what they really mean at a literal level and directly address our sensible capacities (that’s why curses mean something that hurt deeply the self and others). If we do not counter right-away the senses thrown at us that assault our dignity and self-respect, it gets into us as accepted senses where they transform accordingly values, beliefs, and behavior. The overuse of disrespectful nicknames by Trump shows up what kind of senses is the source of his behavior.

Moreover, he believes that he is entitled to curse and insult, use and throw away, crush and punish whoever he wants on the ground of an asserted superiority he restates by the use of all means even the most twisted and violent against all of those who don’t acknowledge his might, as he has proved on a regular basis.

As an example, Donald Trump has never shown any respect to his wife as a person entitled to decide her moves and talks. He has used her as a puppet dutifully saying and doing what she was told, but mostly appreciated mute and smiling. He has exhibited her as a trophy to his encounters and crowds, even making her turn around as a pretty object in his hands.

Another example of his lack of human respect and compassion, and his absence of integrity for his need to destroy adversity. Trump has tweeted multiple times to falsely suggest the congressman-turned-television host Joe Scarborough murdered an employee whose death was ruled an accident. The widower, T.J. Klausutis, recently spoke about the emotional trauma resulting from President Trump continually pushing the conspiracy theory about his wife Lori’s 2001 death.

Let us examine the real senses that Mr Trump expresses spontaneously when he is challenged by other will or idea. Not what he serves to his basis at political meetings. Each sense he states contradict the properties of love like respect and compassion. Doing so, he denies those senses to enter back his personal energetic streams of emotions where they could inspire him with some gentleness. Instead, this stance reinitiates a vacuum of knowledge (senses of love) bringing intense sufferings, which is, too, a ravaging self (and other) hatred.

There are even more edifying examples of the destructive senses Trump produces.

When Mr Trump announced the decision on Twitter that defense secretary Mark T Esper was fired, he used the term “terminated” wearing significance of eradication, if phantasmatic, nevertheless desired. It means complete violence agreement freed under the incapacity of any basic restraint under the superior value of human respect.

Here are some more details reported by the New York Times, article by Katie Rodgers, June 1, 2020.

“Mr Esper’s downfall had been expected for months, after he took the rare step in June of disagreeing publicly with Mr Trump and saying that active duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. His interview occurred after protesters were dispersed with tear gas so Trump could pose at a church near the White House.

The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, who watched the scene unfold while away from the church visiting with her mother, said church officials were not told of the plan and expressed outrage at the White House’s use of riot-control tactics on a generally peaceful crowd to clear a path for the president. “He did not pray,” said the bishop of the church, Mariann E. Budde. Referring to the death of the black man in police custody that set off the protests, she added: “He did not mention George Floyd, he did not mention the agony of people who have been subjected to this kind of horrific expression of racism and white supremacy for hundreds of years. We need a president who can unify and heal. He has done the opposite of that, and we are left to pick up the pieces.”

I recall briefly that George Floyd was shocked to death by a police officer in Minneapolis, as he was pleading for his life: “I can’t breathe. Please!”, then finally, he agonized after having called his mama for help. Here Mr Trump displayed no compassion for the outrageous death of an innocent black man as he did not visit nor express regrets to his mourning family, denying their feelings, but he did support the business owners of ventures destroyed by violent protests he undoubtedly contributed to worsen.  There he demonstrated what he values: money over life.

A man stuck into his own self-hatred

Destructive emotional senses are controlling Donald Trump's thoughts and behavior
Trump is the slave of his emotional unconsciousness and of the destructive senses he constantly reaffirms through violent words and acts.

The behavior that will be soon displayed by Mr Trump is easy to forecast since, as I have explained, he is stuck with the senses of human hatred (meaning female hatred as women create humans) gathered along his life that will continue to direct his thought, beliefs and moves. Donald Trump can only assert himself as a “winner” of the game or die psychologically. As he failed to win the election race, he will not be able to recover since the hatred he feels for losers will apply implacably to himself. One always treats others as one treats him/herself as one of the universal laws applying to all of us. Trump cannot escape what he believes. Failing as the dominant male of all condemns him to experience an inner hell where stands the raw disgust of female descent, as part of his family heritage. It is the end for him, and he will collapse mentally and physically. He may prolong the show by holding on the wrong assertion that his victory was stolen away by Joe Biden. For how long? Unless he finds a way to create civilian chaos the deception will not last. Donald Trump will leave the House and be swallowed by his own nightmares.

His niece, Mary Trump, who is a psychologist and has written a book about her uncle, forecasts a dark future for him, as she tweeted 3 days after the election:

“President-elect Joe Biden won legitimately and decisively. No matter how much Donald and his enablers lie and spin, nothing will change that. But they’re going to break as much as they can on the way out. Stay vigilant-this is an attempted coup.”

Her insights confirm this theory-based analysis. Donald Trump will probably not run the 2024 election race but, by the time he stays at the white house, he will concentrate all his might to destroy people’s careers and future, and make the worst mess he can to slow down the march of the new administration. One million people may die from the COVID-19 by January in the USA if nothing is done, said Mary Trump in an interview to the Gardian, but the president does not care, as a new terrible example of his total incapacity to feel any basic compassion for innocent people as for himself.