About Me

Who am I? 


My name is Isabelle Varitto-Marcou. I am a researcher, a microbiology engineer by training. I have spent my life looking for a solution to the individual and collective suffering that plagues our humanity. I have done so because I myself was struck by this widespread scourge. Suffering and wanting to die for having been hated, hated by the very one who said he loved me, my father. Since I was young, I looked for a way out of the pain of existing, something beautiful to hold on to, and in order not to die, I tried, day after day, to pierce this mystery.

Finally, after many years of wandering and reliving trauma, I succeeded. The law that is ours is inscribed as well on Earth as in the unfathomable space. It is unique, it is universal, it is unalterable and eternal. It is the answer to all the questions we have ever asked ourselves. It is the means and the goal. It is the destiny that unites us and gives meaning to every beginning and every end. It repairs the inner tears and rewrites the scenario of our personal and collective adventures. 

Everything happens and is played out in the emotional invisible which is also quantum. It is where we come from and where we will return. I propose to you today to accompany me in this incredible discovery of ourselves, of the world and of the universe because it is all one. 

We will all be forever transformed… For, finally, the best dreamed and hoped for. 

What is my Life Mission? 

My wish is that people get to know themselves, and what they truly are, by having a new perspective of our culture and how it has been affecting us. Our emotions are not something to be scared of. Also, they are not something you want to push deep down, while hoping they will not show up again. It is, in fact, a source of knowledge and consciousness we need for our global well-being.

One of the ways to do so is by reaching journalists, politics, experts and influencers, in order to bring valuable changes to our societies. For instance, by teaching in schools what emotions are about and what they mean. Or in taking in account the emotional value of ideas prior to choosing them for political decision-making.

With emotional consciousness in the balance, self-expression and well-being will finally be achieved for our whole society. Moreover, the painful, lifelong fight many of us face to dig up the self from inner emptiness feeling will cease. All we need to do as humans starts by reconnecting ourselves with our emotional nature.

What is my Background and Expertise? 

From a scientific background, I am currently working as an independent scientist and writer about emotions and their global influence on our individual decision-making process. On the other hand, I am also interested in our collective cultural behaviors and beliefs.

I acquired knowledge and assets about science through my life-long experience and background. I graduated with a biochemistry master degree in 1986, and a microbiology engineer degree in 1987. In 1989, I completed my education with a two-year degree in informatics. Since then, I sharpened my understanding of the world through these specialties, as well as others, such as psychology, general and quantum physics.

As a researcher, my life’s focus is to understand our world’s mechanisms so we can change at its core what doesn’t work in our society, according to our common goals and ideals. Thus, I never felt interested by the job market’s opportunities I have been offered. Each job did trap me in senses and meanings I didn’t share. Once I knew my life goal, I couldn’t step aside. So here I am, holding on to my valuable works done and ready to be handed. I wanted to bring my share for the sake of human beings and all living beings on earth.

That’s why I kept learning for more than 50 years (my age), to now deliver what I think is the key to our world’s sorrow and issues.

Why I love what I do, some accomplishments, and next step

A constant passion drives me to seek solutions to the problems of our world. Instead of focusing on the analysis of facts, I am interested in the overall emotional baggage that motivates our actions and decisions.

I love working for the future and well-being of humanity. Nothing is more important to me, perhaps because I have been “lucky” enough not to be hindered by the ego. The ego tends to make us believe that we are only this body, and thus reduce our access to awareness of a much larger and more exciting truth.

I spend time following the course of events that occur in the world, and I identify trends that build or destroy harmony. I apply my theories to them in order to decipher the emotional parameters that created them and the origin of their emission. This helps me to predict the future course of the real. 

I am proud of the achievements I have made in my life as a researcher, and also of having developed a way of thinking outside the box of beliefs that confine us. 

First of all, I am proud of my first published book, “The Guide to Human Flourishing”. It is for Mothers who wish to pass on the emotional principles of Love to their children in order to preserve their chance to thrive in the face of patriarchy. It contains everything I wish I had known when I had my children. 

Then I wrote several applied scientific reports on current topics, such as the emergence of Covid19. In an effort to reach a wider audience, the reports are designed to be easy to understand and verify with real-life experiences, while remaining scientific in nature.  

My theories are now ready to be shared as a foundation for new emotional knowledge. I wish to contribute to the necessary leap forward that humanity must make in the awareness of itself and of the universal environment, if it wishes to survive the current century.

What Kind of Information Can
You Expect? 

The purpose of this blog is to be a reference in the innovative field of emotional science. Thus the scientific concepts will be at the center of most blog posts.

However, my will is also to share my knowledge with anyone interested in the science of emotions. I know all the valuable life tools this science can provide for individuals, societies, and communities.

Therefore, a beginner/intermediary scientific background combined with an open-minded eye is enough to grasp the content of the blog.

You will see below more details about the structure of blog posts.

Disruptive Scientific Insight

Articles will be developed on specific points that prevent our collective or personnal evolution. On these occasions, I will make the link between current events and the science of emotions by presenting facts, methodologies, graphics, etc. 

Scientific reports: summary and purchase

All reports related to a specific event or emergency will be available for purchase. A detailed summary of the analysis will be posted on the blog.

Discover step by step the secrets revealed by the theory

In particular: where suffering comes from, why violence persists in destroying attempts at humanistic progress, how reality facts are generated, how reality works, what is our true nature, what is the purpose of life, and many other things…

Explore applied theories and concepts to current news

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