(Image : Pixabay)

Our world is falling apart under the blows of every man for himself, justified by the swelling of an ego that believes itself superior. We are so desperate to prove that we are worth more than normal human beings that we struggle 24 hours a day to get attention and bravos. This can be under the guise of the brilliance of our spirit or the power of our strength. Some people even eat dozens of sausages to get attention. All these ways of doing things are accompanied by extremely complex thinking but applied to a narrower field of interest. This deviation of the mind prevents us from taking a broad view of our situation. This is how the valorization of complex thinking leaves no mind space for simplicity

We know but we cannot help

We know what is happening in the distance. The auspices are bad. The clock is ticking. The horizon is darkened. Nevertheless, our fear of failing, of falling and biting the dust does not relax its grip. The terror of rejection and unworthiness is too strong. So we continue, locked in a dark routine that makes us accomplices of the announced destruction.

Click on the following link if you want to know more about why the clock is ticking now: https://isabellevarittomarcou.com/covid-19-our-civilization-has-come-to-a-breaking-point/

In the link below, Timi Ećimović, Rector and Professor at the World Philosophical Forum in Athens, Greece, discusses global citizenship and the conditions for harmony on Earth. If we do not amend our activities, he forecasts the extinction of our species during this current XXIst century. 


Life meanings are simple. But we are trained to think complexly. (Image : Eco Pramono from Pixabay)

We could save humankind with a massive strike

Why do we do this? Why don’t we all go and force the necessary changes that would protect nature and save humanity? As a united people of this world, we could impose our will on the elites. Why not go on a massive strike that would put the world economy at risk? I bet that would get the attention of the leaders. Or we could stop eating fish and meat en masse. The fishing industry and meat producers would reconsider their intensive and cruel methods. Simple, isn’t it? I’ll tell you what doesn’t work here: it’s too simple. We have no mind space for simplicity.


We are conditioned to complex thinking

Simple is not the way we think, so logic cannot be perceived. Logic is often simple. It turns out that our mind cannot grasp what is simple, in the sense of what the normal being can perceive. The cultural pressure conditions us to a rejection of simplicity by rejecting normality. It teaches us to find self-esteem in a fantasy of exceptionalism that cuts us off from human and living issues. As a result, we specifically and unconsciously erase the senses of the living, so simple and normal, from what deserves attention. In contrast, what is artificial and complex arouses our interest?

Complexity is a value that prevents us from thinking the simple evidence (image : Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Our minds are locked in small spaces

Our minds are locked in small spaces where we repeat a limited number of tasks that are supposed to prove specialization and mastery that condition social recognition. But the tasks in themselves have no meaning in terms of human and living issues. We do not pursue them as members of communities embedded in a limited natural environment. Therefore, we do not pursue them with the goal of providing what humans need to achieve reasonable well-being. Furthermore, we do not take into account the need to allow for the renewal of resources. Our efforts are enormous but compulsive and desperate because they do not proceed from simple, logical thinking.

We make hysterical decisions for unacknowledged emotional reasons that originate in cultural ideology: the fear of annihilation as isolated beings in a cruel environment. All we want is the money to survive physically and mentally. In doing so, we obscure the principles of life that make our existence possible. Butchers prepare and sell meat, computer scientists create programs, insurance agents sell policies, astronauts fly through space in rockets, politicians run for office, and billionaires make lots of money. This is how things get worse and how we lack mind space for simplicity.

Learn more about the origin of the senses that initiate our thinking: https://isabellevarittomarcou.com/the-world-reality-is-a-mechanism/

The economy is monstrous. Green is a fake. 

You might say. Hey! Some people are working on important things like turning the economy into a green economy. Really? The economy can’t be green because the economy is a machine that works to suck more and more money from the earth into the pockets of billionaires. Its main objective is called growth, that is to say, the conquest of more and more money. How can an economy that aims at eternal growth be sustainable and green? The green label is only a new opportunity to produce more, to sell at a higher price by deceiving consumers with false virtues.

For example, electric cars bring little if no good to the environment, since electricity has to be produced to refill batteries. If these cars are manufactured the way they are it is for one reason: they are more expensive than former regular ones, under the principle of money conquest at the expansion of life richness. Moreover, the prohibition of older cars, owned most of the time by the low and middle class, is only meant for market profit, as they will force brand-new purchases. 

Why can’t we think simply and logically?

We rush blindly under the grip of fears of rejection and forfeiture (Image: Peggy Marco de Pixabay)

Complexity is the result of a denial of the obvious, which is out there in the sky, water, and earth, the living elements on which we depend. To reconnect to these essential senses, we need to remember that we are living beings and, to do so, experience them. We need to see the sun rise and fall, plant seeds, and reap the harvest. Then, we want to grind flour, bake bread, pick fruit and draw wine. Moreover, we enjoy sleeping in the open air and hearing the sound of leaves snapping in the wind. And, what about feeling the cycles of the seasons’ rise and fall in our blood? This is how we will abandon the complexity that is killing us.

Fear shuts the doors of logic

Instead, we become cogs in a huge machine that no one controls but that everyone serves: the economy. We submit ourselves in exchange for the promise of a narrow survival without a future at the expense of others, less fortunate. Our mental energy focus on manufactured emergencies. We are set on performing and proving ourselves as good soldiers in this merciless war that there is no brain capacity left to grasp what matters. We run in wheels like hamsters, heads bowed, eyes glued to the ground because panic colonizes our minds, and empties them of the simple obvious: our turn to fall will come.

How to free our mind

Here is a list of actions that free the mind from the nonsense that weakens our allegiance to life. They will reset our mind’s lacking space for proper thinking by feeding them with senses that build humanity.

This list is not exhaustive. It gives some ideas that each of us is called upon to appropriate and develop according to our own personality and creativity, and according to the support and conditions available nearby. If each of us takes a step forward, we can change the course of the current reality in a surprisingly effective way that will benefit everyone.


  • Create small communities of proximity where solidarity prevails: it will suppress most of the fears plaguing our minds like being none, alone, useless and valueless
  • https://ecovillage.org/project/welcome-home/
  • Observe that true beauty lies in sensitivity. This will make you proud to be a warm human being.
  • Express your feelings and emotions sincerely: this will allow you to reconnect with the foundations of our humanity.
  • https://time.com/5163576/ignoring-your-emotions-bad-for-your-health/
  • Feel the spell of the truth inside of you and tell it in every circumstance: it will help you find peace inside and outside
  • Nourish your mind with senses of beauty like stories of love, solidarity, tales of nice couples and families, discoveries of cultures and landscapes, observation of nature and animals, the practice of arts, and listening to sweet music
  • https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/

Work and environment

A mounting number of cities reintroduce nature and wildlife in their midst. (Image : Ildigo de Pixabay)

We can realize any prowess

We all need to recognize in the intimacy of ourselves that Beauty, that is to say, Life, deserves to be saved since nothing else motivates our desire to be. Let’s recognize that we are beings of ideals and go for it. Our elites are the least capable of initiating this radical change because they are the most indoctrinated by the ideas of superiority that they serve and to which they cling. We can only rely on ourselves. As a people of the world, we can achieve anything.