The events, the shapes of the objects, and their interactions owe nothing to chance. They come from the senses, comparable to lines of code, written in an emotional matrix. Thus, the matrix gives meaning (and birth) to matter. Indeed, during the process of formation of matter, the quantum matrix substance becomes matter. It thus contains the meanings of the matrix. As an example, Covid-19 is a consequence of this unknown mechanism. The last takes too into account the sum of the senses expressed by human beings, from the words spoken to the acts produced.

The brick of the matter 

I propose the hypothesis that there is an ultimate quantum substance building up all elements. This substance cannot break. Therefore, it is totally stable, eternal, true, and perfect. As the constituent element of all things, this substance vibrates at the heart of the matter and transmits its properties to it. This is why all the elements of the universe evolve according to a coherent plan. They can do so because they are one by their nature and their senses. They have the ability to exchange information to create matter and life.

The first property of this specific substance is union. Now, the energy that gives the sense of union is the emotion of Love. Indeed, nothing interests us more than this: to connect with others in order to create strong emotional exchanges. In other words, we want to create together the emotional resonance through which we feel human union. Love is therefore the ultimate substance that builds the universe and human beings in matter and emotion. Moreover, we note that denying our truth, Love, brings suffering to us.

More about the unifying substance

Unifying substance: As everything is made of energy, each object comes from the agglomeration of the unalterable quantic substance of Love. All matter is transformed along a continuum of energy flows of construction and deconstruction. These flows go back and forth from the invisible quantic energy to the observable matter, again and again, in endless cycles.

Albert Einstein quantified the pure energy locked into the tangible matter with his famous formula: E = mC² (E, quantity of unitary energy), (m, mass of the object), (C, light speed)

Reality is a transitory universe 

Since the substance of Love can take 2 forms (quantic and agglomerated), we may distinguish two phases of the universal space or two different universes. One, is stable, and unalterable, giving a transitory and cyclic existence to the second, in constant transformation.

A pure quantum universe, unalterable by Love, contains a transitory universe, Reality. The latter possess energetic elements in various stages of agglomeration, from nuclear radiation to photons, to telluric planets.

The eternal universe of pure Love gives birth to a transitory universe where Love can be compromised. 

In other words, the universe of Reality evolves according to cycles that produce objects, then disintegrate them. These objects appear and disappear, before reappearing in new forms. These objects are inserted in an emotional matrix that gave them birth.

Thoughts are quantum

These first steps of exploration bring us to question the nature and origin of the thinking.

According to their state, the existing elements belong either to a quantum universe or to a physical universe. But thoughts are immaterial and invisible. They, therefore, belong to the first one. Their source is located in quantum space. This is why the brain cannot create it. It is, more probably, the receiver of thoughts coming from the emotional matrix. The thoughts could reach it in the form of waves. The brain would receive the information and then translate it into nerve impulses or hormonal responses.

This finding explains how plants that do not have a brain, produce thoughts. And how bees or ants organize themselves in collective thought.  

Emotions transfer their senses to the brains

Now let us see how the senses of Love, the ultimate substance, are forwarded to us. Love produces emotions that are waves of energy. These waves deposit their senses in matter through emotional feeling. Depending on the type of emotion, the brain then directs its intellectual processes.

Active emotions take the form of waves. When we feel them, their senses enter the brain.

The same transfer process is at work in the whole universe of matter. Physical objects, living or not, receive emotional waves containing meanings. These polarize, modify and transform the matter. They trigger interactions of attraction or repulsion according to their reciprocal senses. This is how many people experience repetitive frustrations despite their wishes for change. The senses that activate their reality are not intellectual. They are emotional. That is why these energies do not respond to the effort of will. They depend on the emotional state of the substance of Love which is the quantum Self. If the senses of Love are damaged, an emotional action must repair them. The only effective way will be to identify the meaning of the fears that block Love in order to eliminate them.

Reality evolves according to the senses of matter

Reality evolves according to the senses of matter triggering new events of different scales. Let us list some well-known examples: the world wars, the Spanish flu, the great crisis of 1929, and the hippy movement. 

The iconography below presents some great historical events in relation to their active emotions in reality.

We can distinguish two groups. Events related to love (respect, compassion, union, expression) and events related to hate (violation, indifference, separation, domination/submission). Under the reign of patriarchal ideology, the hated principle is the feminine one. Thus, we face expressions of feminine hatred at different scales. Since feminine energy creates life, this hatred leads us to the destruction of life in all its forms.

Human’s power to reject harmony

As we have just seen, the senses of love are not the only ones that create reality. But, how is this possible since the ultimate substance is Love? In fact, the pure quantum universe carries senses of harmony designed to organize reality, including the earth’s ecosystem. Effectively these senses work to create, govern and preserve billions of living species with fascinating inventiveness.

However, these senses of harmony are not the only ones involved in the functioning of Reality. All living creatures are purveyors of meaning since they possess the ability to express meaning through language or action. Among them, human beings hold the dangerous power to reject harmony. They can choose to believe in an ideology that despises feminine energy, as is the case today with patriarchy. This is how we create suffering, devaluation of life in all its forms, and destruction.

The senses captured by the matrix modify its harmonic information. The emotional energy of the matrix in turn alters reality. 

Erroneous senses may be identified

Observed reality reflects an overall sense of harmony, either maintained or compromised by the senses produced by humans.

The function of reality is to express, in the physical world, the senses stored in the earth matrix. In this way, culturally valued mis-senses appear as events in reality and we suffer from them. They can therefore be identified for what they are and banished from our cultural rhetoric. This is what is called becoming conscious!

To discover more about the subject of Reality, You may be interested to read the post titled Reality is a mechanism.