The extraordinary determination of pharmaceutical industry leaders to market vaccines against Covid has exposed their motives and methods. First, the focus on profit has led to implementation of a strategy to force the routine use of vaccines. We can cite the use of fear, the banning of existing drugs, and the banning of care imposed on general practitioners. Moreover, time is money. Hence the urgency to market products that look like vaccines, whether they are or not. Add to that pandemic waves and the possibility of boosting infection and death figures, and you have the Covid jackpot.

A questionable efficiency

Official speeches assure us that vaccines have saved us from a health catastrophe. But what do we really know? The WHO counts 6.5 million deaths worldwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Assuming these figures are correct, how do we know that the losses would have been worse without the vaccine? What if the antiparasitics – ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine – had been given early instead of suddenly being banned? If family doctors had been allowed to treat patients? What if they had not been forced to wait for their condition to deteriorate before going to the emergency room? How many elderly people would have survived instead of being abandoned to their fate in old people’s homes, as has been observed in France, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Spain?

Perhaps we would have had fewer deaths, with less panic and health consequences. Because, finally, these vaccines do not inspire confidence. First of all, because they do not act like vaccines. The principle of vaccination is that it is preventive. It stimulates the immune system so that, a few weeks later, the body is ready to counter the viral attack. This is what happens with the flu vaccine. Then, once the vaccination is done, the immune response is long-lasting. It never needs to be repeated every 3 to 6 months to counter new waves of mutants.

A daunting strategy

For Big Pharma, the emergence of SARS-Cov2 presented a tremendous opportunity. And to hit the Covid jackpot, the industry leaders developed a formidable strategy. It consisted in spreading fear with the help of selected experts and media converted to sensationalism. The support of governments, either through naivety or compromise, was the second stage of the rocket. It took off perfectly. Some, in the midst of an authoritarian drift, saw the opportunity to assert their class domination while serving ultra-liberal interests. The omnipresence of consulting firms, such as McKinsey in France, signals the growing influence of private interests. In their toolbox, fear is presented as a strategic tool. The SAGE consultancy in the United Kingdom stated in a report at the beginning of 2020: “A significant number of people still do not feel sufficiently threatened”. And the appropriate means to remedy this.

The last step to reach the grail is the demolition of experts in virology with integrity. Professor Perrone, advisor to several governments, and Professor Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, have been the victims. Taxed as conspiracy theorists, ridiculed on TV shows, experts holding alternative or simply cautious speeches paid dearly. Only one discourse was accepted. That of the Doxa – control of the opinion on a world scale – imposed by many Western governments. An investigation by the French Senate has, moreover, recognized the growing influence of consulting firms on public policies.

A seriousness that is not proven

The management of the pandemic raises many questions. It raises all the more questions because the pandemic, whether real or hyped, was used to move colossal amounts of public money to private coffers. Through subsidies – public money – and repeated purchases of vaccine doses, the States have paid astronomical sums to the major laboratories. Pfizer, for example, increased its net profit by 78% in its last fiscal year, to $9.9 billion.

However, the severity of the pandemic has not been proven. Official death figures may include people who have tested positive for Covid. This is the case in the United Kingdom, which lists “deaths involving Covid-19”. This does not mean that the death was caused by Covid, the government agency says. In other words, someone who died of kidney failure and had already tested positive for covid would be placed in the covid deaths. This bias is compounded by the frailty of the health status of the population most at risk, namely, people over 70 years of age. Unfortunately, multiple pathologies often accompany old age. However, it is after the age of 80 that the highest number of deaths occur. Consequently, there is a great risk of wrongly attributing deaths to Covid.

Irregularities or lies

We now realize that the conspirators may not have been those designated by the Doxa. The Pfizer trials that led to the marketing authorization in the US and in the EU are marred by irregularities. The Food and Drug Administration, which refused to produce the documents justifying its authorization, was ordered by the courts to make them public. Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, is under investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The misuse of EU funds in the context of contracts with Pfizer is on the table. The EU bought a whopping 2.4 billion doses for 36 billion euros from Pfizer. The total purchase of doses cost, all suppliers combined, was 71 billion euros of public money.

Another revelation has completed the ridicule of the French government’s posture that has made the slogan “all vaccinated, all protected” its mantra. A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small, revealed to the committee of inquiry of European deputies that the vaccine had not been tested for transmission! The government’s entire restrictive and authoritarian health policy was based on the claim that vaccinating oneself would protect others from the disease. The prohibition, under the guise of a health pass, which was made to some non-vaccinated to work (nurses, firemen), and for all, to travel, to attend public places, was based on this false truth!

Expedited authorizations

The possible consequences on human health did not weigh heavily in these calculations. The hasty marketing of vaccines that have been little or not tested is the most striking proof of this drift. A vaccine requires 9 to 15 years of research and clinical trials before it is definitively validated. It only took a few months for the so-called Pfizer, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca and other vaccines to be authorized. In Europe, the authorities have put in place accelerated procedures to deal with a health emergency that has not been demonstrated. The FDA has done the same in the United States. The icing on the cake is that this extreme confidence is based on data provided by the parties concerned: the manufacturers and sellers themselves.

The eagerness of European and American health agencies to authorize products called vaccines raises questions about their independence and/or seriousness. Their mission to protect public health no longer seems effective in light of the Covid event. Indeed, biostatistician Christine Cotton has examined the reports provided by Pfizer for its messenger RNA vaccine, Cominraty. The results of her research and 110-page report are clear. The official results cannot be considered reliable and unbiased in terms of good clinical practice. Together with two other teacher-researchers, she tried to alert parliamentarians to the “serious side effects of vaccines”. However, all three of them were excluded from the scheduled public hearing.

Health in danger

Contrary to the rhetoric, the laboratories have not had the priority of protecting public health. If they produce and sell drugs, this has only been the means to achieve the objective of profit. Nor do they possess the virtues of innovation that some attribute to them. Rather, these multinationals behave like hedge funds, buying and controlling other firms. For its vaccine, Pfizer has benefited from the research work of universities, carried out with public funds, and of the German company BioNTech.

In addition, the RNA vaccine technique used by Pfizer and Moderna, which is brand new, is causing concern among recognized physicians. Some, like Professor Perrone and geneticist Alexandra Henrion-Claude, consider it dangerous. The messenger RNAs could be inserted into the human genome and remain there, causing lasting disruptions in the production of the body’s proteins. The lack of knowledge of the effects of this technique would have justified caution. Instead, the rush to market and administer was combined with mandatory vaccination.

Underreported side effects?

Related Covid side effects might have been underestimated
In Germany, doctors open reporting office for Covid vaccine-related deaths

Moreover, the side effects of vaccines seem to be underreported, or even deliberately not researched. They are proving to be more impactful every day for a significant number of people. Miscarriages, in particular, have been signaled. A worrying excess of mortality among 18 to 65-year-olds has appeared in 2021 and 2022 in all highly vaccinated countries. The higher their vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. Even if this cannot be formally attributed to quasi-imposed vaccinations, these figures are alarming.

German doctors have banded together in an association saying, “Never before in the history of medicine has a vaccination been associated with such a high number of serious side effects and deaths.” In the United States, Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst, reveals that excess mortality among millennials has increased by 84% as of fall 2021. He concludes by saying, “We need to talk about the excess mortality as a result of government-mandated vaccines.”

Global health crisis

Geneticist Alexandra Henrion-Claude has initiated an international petition that has already gathered more than 24,000 signatures. She invites doctors, scientists, and citizens to ask for a serious investigation of the side effects of covid vaccines. Its statement says that the official figures on the number of deaths due to vaccines are only 1-10% of the real figures. Instead of the 70,000 deaths officialized by the statistical organizations of the different countries, it would be between 700,000 and 7 million deaths that would be involved. The same percentage would apply to the 11 million official adverse events.

Clearly, the signs of an unprecedented global health crisis are emerging. The political-economical-media sphere may impose strong pressure to force free speech, but the omerta is cracking. Doctors, health workers, and scientists of integrity are noticing the hiatus and denouncing it. Some former executives of pharmaceutical laboratories are deserting a system that would put its health mission in the background. This is the case of Jacques Bauer, a Swiss researcher who is now a pharmacist-clinician. His observations of the contents of vaccines under the latest generation electron microscope reveal crystals with square geometric shapes. These do not resemble anything biological. “What is this crystal!” he exclaims. We’ve never seen this in a vaccine!” Others like german doctors observed too astonishing impurities in covid vaccines.

All guinea pigs

In line with their mercantile ambitions, the laboratories reserved the doses for buyers able to pay a high price, leaving the others aside. The latter is now used as a comparison to assess the effectiveness of vaccines. However, far from being incubators for variants, it is the least vaccinated countries that, according to the statistics, fare best. Guinea, with a coverage of 9.85%, has 458 deaths for a population of 13.5 million. And Cameroon, with only 2.5% coverage, has only 1,965 deaths for a population of 27.22 million. At the same time, Portugal, with 82.72% of its population vaccinated, has 25,254 deaths for 10.5 million inhabitants.

If the major pharmaceutical companies have hit the Covid jackpot, they have also revealed their cold determination in defiance of any precautionary principle. For their strategy was carried out without any hindsight or reliable safety data according to good pharmaceutical practice. The populations have been used as guinea pigs, practically forcibly inoculated with products of unknown effects. This attitude reveals the acute loss of human value that is becoming increasingly apparent in the global elitist spheres. It follows the loss of value of life in general. The plant and animal world, which is in the process of annihilation, has been paying the price for some time. It is now the turn of human beings that seems to have come.

Time for awareness?

This cynicism about the pharmaceutical industry does not bode well for the future. The destruction of the natural environment will undoubtedly generate other pandemics. But it gets worse. We have reached a point of human worthlessness that opens the door to all extremes. The passion of the richest men in the world for robots and machines is revealed in this respect. They no longer perceive the beauty of life. As a result, they do not restrain their predatory appetites, first and foremost, because they no longer feel emotions. But they are not the only ones. The decrease in sensitivity is collective. We are reaching a point of emotional degradation, through the hatred of the creative principle of life, the Feminine, which makes possible the mass destruction of humanity. This is what I call the end of the patriarchal cycle of destruction.

Fortunately, there is another possible outcome to what has just happened. Honest voices are being heard on all sides by those who know how to listen. The mainstream media may banish them from their platforms, but there are other channels (still) open to sharing information. These doctors, scientists, pharmacists, analysts, politicians, and economists bring their observations and questions. Perhaps they will succeed in initiating a general awareness that is indispensable to the writing of another future and, even, of a future at all.

To learn more about how reality is created, see the article Reality is a Mechanism