Reality depends on a mechanism that is both energetic and logical and that we can act upon. Understanding and mastering this mechanism would allow us to correct most of the disastrous events we are witnessing today, such as climate change, species extinction, poverty, wars, and crimes.

What reality means?

Reality is a space where there are tangible objects: beings, but also planets or stars. These objects can be apprehended by our 5 senses. They have, moreover, the particularity to transform themselves continuously in their form and their interactions. All inert or living objects have a cyclic existence: they are born, follow a course of transformation, then disappear. In fact, they are neither born nor disappear. They only change states, passing from the quantum state, invisible, to the physical state, visible. In other words, they change spaces by entering and leaving reality.

The bodies and objects present in reality are made from an invisible quantum substance.

The universal quantum substance

The mechanics of reality is possible because there is a universal substance. Since each object is born from the invisible, it is that there exists in the quantum space, a substance which is the brick constituting the physical matter. This substance is thus the common material to the quantum and physical spaces, to the invisible and the visible. It transmits, consequently, its properties to all the elements of the universe: energy, planets and stars, and living and inert objects. It turns out that the energy of the universe evolves in a coherent and coordinated way toward the ultimate goal of creating the experience of life.

My hypothesis is that the universal substance transmits to each object a thought that directs its destiny of evolution and transformation. This thought inhabits inert and living objects as well as quantum space. It unites the whole with the effect of the cooperation of the physicochemical elements which interact toward a common goal.

Transformation of the ultimate energy
The evolution of quantum energy, since the big bang, is characterized by a coherent plan of evolution.

The desire for a union

Reality is a mechanics that relies on the properties of the universal substance. Now, the union is its main property. In terrestrial reality, this property can be seen in the collaboration of plant, fungal and animal species. Thus, old trees transfer food to younger ones thanks to the connections that mycorrhizae (fungi) build to link the roots of neighboring trees. This kind of collaboration is widespread in the animal kingdom between individuals of the same or different species. This is what scientists call mutualism.

Moreover, the union is the priority sense that living beings seek. It is very strong in animals that organize mutual aid within family or community groups. This is of course the case for elephants, but also for rats, mongooses, and monkeys, to mention only a few examples. The search for union manifests itself in social desire, sexual desire, and the desire to start families and care for the young. We can add to this the sorrow caused by lasting loneliness, rejection, and abandonment. The quantum substance which, I remind you, is energy, containing the meaning of union is Love. Love is therefore the universal substance that builds everything that exists.

2 universes, 2 energies, 2 dimensions

The two spaces, physical (reality) and quantum have coexisted since the advent of the big bang, 14 billion years ago. However, it is indeed the quantum space that gave birth to the physical universe. Consequently, the quantum space is the pre-existing universe. It does not transform itself. It is and remains quantum forever; There are thus 2 universes. One is quantum, made up of the substance of pure Love because it is not altered. Since Love constitutes all that exists, the quantum universe is the universe of truth. The other one is physical and quantum because there, the quantum substance is at work to be transformed into physical objects.

Reality is a box inside the quantic universe
Reality is a transitional universe born of the big bang from the eternal universe of pure love.

Consequently, truth and reality are the 2 dimensions of all beings and objects. Truth is the emotion, possibly of Love, which cannot be disguised. Reality is the physical body and its expression, which can lie. These 2 dimensions are also 2 energies, emotional and physical, one is felt, and the other is set in motion. This duality of which one gives birth to the other, and the other gives experiential form to the first, structures the universe of reality. These are, respectively, the Feminine and the Masculine.

The senses of Love

Let’s go back to what I said earlier. The universal substance organizes the universe of reality in a coherent way according to a plan of union, thus of cooperation and solidarity. This is not surprising since this substance is Love. Harmony is, therefore, a natural characteristic of real spaces. They are the reflection of the universal truth of Love. But what does Love mean? Love is much more than what is generally believed. It contains the meaning of union but also those of respect, compassion, solidarity, serenity, listening, and expression. Love is also the ideal of which we dream, justice, equity, and freedom. It is also Beauty and perfection.

But then, what prevents the harmony of reality?! If the quantum substance naturally produces the senses of Love, they can be compromised. Indeed, living beings such as humans have the possibility to assert senses contrary to Love. This is what happens under the yoke of an ideology, the patriarchy, which hates Love. In order to reduce the prestige of the Feminine that carries the emotional truth, it values the absence of Love. This is how indifference, cruelty, and every man for himself become imprinted in reality. The human organizations and the structures that lead them are then unable to create the desired ideal.

The alteration of the harmony

The quantum energy, which is also Feminine, contains the emotional substance. This can be Love, in which case the harmony of reality is created. Harmony releases multiple senses that organize the appearance of interactions and events consistent with peace, abundance, collaboration, and the flourishing of living beings. But when hatred of the Feminine Life Creator is expressed, then quantum energy captures senses that deny life, sentience, and human normalcy. These create voids of Love in the quantum substance. Harmony is altered. The interactions and events that appear to assault and erode the living and the systems that support them.

The fear (hatred) of the black, of the dark, of the night, expressed in words, in images, and in actions
creates a reality that oppresses black people.

We realize here that reality is a mechanism that could easily be transformed into a place of ideal where we could fully enjoy life. It would be enough to stop expressing the hatred of the Feminine, of sensitivity, of emotions, and of Love that an ideology of suffering instills in us. Stop the insults, stop the gestures, stop the traditions and popular stories, the laws, and customs that devalue the Feminine and women. It seems simple, and yet, an ideology is tenacious as long as it is not questioned for what it is, as long as it is not pointed out as an instrument of conditioning. But it seems to me that the moment has come and that the veil of unconsciousness is being torn…